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Patents for the Welte-Reproducing Mechanism

Basic Document:

Alfred Binet, Jules Courtier 1896, Recherches graphiques sur la musique aus: „L' année psychologique“, Laboratoire des psychologie physiologique de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2e Anné 1895, p. 201-222.

German translation


German Patent 162.708 (1904/1905) UK-Patent 10219 = Austria 24.496 = France 354.182 (alle 1905)

Patentiert im Deutschen Reiche vom 21. Mai 1904 ab. Bekanntmachung 25. September 1905 M. Welte & Söhne in Freiburg i. Baden Vorrichtung an mechanischen Tasteninstrumenten zur Abstufung des Tastenanschlages.

UK-Patent 10.219 (1905)
= German Patent 162.708 (see above)

Date of Application (in the United Kingdom) 15th May 1905 Accepted 8th Juni 1905 Apparatus for Graduating the Striking of the Keys in Mechanical Piano Playing Apparatus

We, Berthold Welte, Emil Welte and Michael Welte, trading under the firm of Welte & Söhne, of 7 Lehener Str, of Freiburg, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, Manufacturers, do hereby declaire…….

Edwin Welte, ca. 1900

Karl Bockisch, ca. 1908

US-Patent 1.009.291 (1904/1911)

Edwin Welte and Karl Bockisch of Freiburg, Germany Mechanism for regulating the expression in apparatus for playing musical instruments Application filed August 17, 1904 Patented November 7, 1911

Further Patents:

US-Patent 946.297 (1909/1910)

Edwin E. Welte of New York, N.Y. Automatic Player Piano Patented Januar 11, 1910Application filed May 24, 1909 Edwin E. Welte, a citizen of the Empire of Germany, residing in New York, in the borough of Manhattan, county and state of Ney York, have invented certain new and useful improvements….

This invention relates to am improved automatic player-piano in which the power-bellows are arranged below the key-bottom of the piano

UK-Patent 173.819 (1920/1922)

Application Data: Sept. 6, 1920 Complete Left: June 6, 1921 Accepted: Jan. 6, 1922 Karl Bockisch of the Firm of M. Welte & Sohne G.m.b.H. Improvements in Automatic Organs and similar Musical Instruments

UK-Patent 180.293 (1921/1922)

Convention-Date (Germany): May 23, 1921 Application Date (in United Kingdom): Dec. 9, 1921 Complete Accepted Oct. 26, 1922 M.Welte & Söhne, G.m.b.H., of Freiburg, i/Baden, Germany Improvements in Pressure Regulators for Automatic Musical Instruments, Piano Players and the like.

UK-Patent 185.380 (1921/1922)

Convention Date (Germany): Aug 29, 1921 Application Date (in United Kingdom): Dec. 9, 1921 Complete Accepted: Nov. 9, 1922 M.Welte & Söhne, G.m.b.H., of Freiburg, i/Baden, GermanyImprovements in and connected with Means for Controlling Expression in Automatical Musical Instruments, Piano Players and the like.
